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Information for external advisors

As an external advisor, you contribute specialist expertise to support the development of a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidate in their journey at UQ.

You may be an academic in another institution, or in industry. As you are not employed by The University of Queensland (UQ), you are joining the advisory team as an external associate advisor.

External advisors

As an associate member of the advisory team, your role is, in partnership with the principal advisor, to support the candidate in their research journey and to help them achieve their goals.

Supervising HDR candidates

As an external advisor, you play a crucial role in the success of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates.

Accessing UQ systems

As an external advisor, you do not have access to UQ systems unless you are granted a staff associate account.

If you have a UQ login, you will be able to access information on the HDR supervision intranet.

The HDR section of the My.UQ website provides important information directly to candidates with regards to their:

Other relevant links:


Contact the principal advisor for any query regarding an existing candidature. For all other enquiries, contact the Graduate School.