Flow cytometry
Flow cytometry is used to isolate and quantify specific cell populations and provide quantitative information pertaining to viability, DNA content, mitotic activity and protein expression patterns of specific cell types.
Flow cytometry (FC) is used to rapidly detect, identify, and quantify specific cell populations. FC provides quantitative information pertaining to viability, DNA content, mitotic activity and protein expression patterns of specific cell types. FC has applications in all fields of science where cells or particles can be placed in a single cell suspension.
The FC core facility at QBI offers training, experimental design and analysis on analytical flow cytometry and cell sorting, and is adaptable to new applications and methodologies.
- BD FACSymphony™ S6 Cell Sorter: 5 Laser (UV 355nm, violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow/green 562nm and red 633nm), 28 fluorescent parameters, 6-way sorting, index tray sorting, differing nozzle sizes to meet different sample types, housed in a ClassII biological cabinet.
- BD FACS AriaI™ Cell Sorter: 3 Laser (violet 405nm, blue 488nm and red 633nm), 14 fluorescent parameters, 4-way sorting, multi well plate deposition, differing nozzle sizes for all sample types.
- BD Influx™ Cell Sorter: 5 Laser (UV 355nm, violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow/green 561nm and red 633nm), 14 fluorescent parameters, 4-way sorting, index tray sorting, differing nozzle sizes for diverse cell types, housed in a ClassI biological cabinet.
- BD FACSymphony™ A5 SE Analytical Flow Cytometer: 5 Laser (UV 355nm, violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow/green 561nm and red 633nm), 50 fluorescent parameters, choose between spectral or compensation-based cell analysis, equipped with a high throughput sampler (HTS) option for fully automated sample acquisition.
- BD LSRII™ Analytical Flow Cytometer: 5 Laser (UV 355nm, violet 405nm, blue 488nm, yellow/green 562nm and red 633nm), 18 fluorescent parameters.
Virginia Nink
Flow Cytometry Facility Manager
Website: Queensland Brain Institute
Phone: 07 3346 6378
Email: v.nink@uq.edu.au
Location: St Lucia campus
Flow cytometry capability
BD Fortessa Flow Cytometer – FlowJo 10 software: Multicolour cell analyser with 4 lasers allow you to analyse up to 15 different parameters at once from fluorescently labelled samples. Our remote access computing platform allows you to analyse even the most complex datasets from anywhere in the world with internet access using FlowJo software.
Dr Shaun Walters
Website: Analytical Facility
Phone: 07 3365 1754
Email: s.walters3@uq.edu.au
Location: St Lucia campus
The SCMB Flow Cytometer Facility offers access, training and help with experiment design and data analysis in analytical flow cytometry and fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). The facility specialises in sorting and analysis of environmental samples, bacteria and yeast cells.
- BD-FACS Aria II high speed cell sorter: 3 lasers UV (355nm), blue (488nm), yellow-green (561nm); 12 detectors. Sorting into tubes (up to 4 populations), multiwell plates or onto glass slides.
- BD-AccuriC6 and BD-AccuriCSampler analytical flow cytometers: 2 lasers: blue (488nm) and red (640 nm)– 4 detectors. Automated data acquisition from 24-tube rack or multiwall plates.
- BC-CytoFlexS flow cytometers: 2 laser configurations: violet (405nm with SSC detector for small particles), blue (488nm), yellow green (5Y61nm) and blue (488nm), yellow green (5Y61nm), red (640nm) – up to 10 detectors.
- Analysis computer with FlowJo, CytExpert and remote access to FACSDiva software.
Dr Vitaliya Sagulenko
Website: School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Phone: 07 3365 1754 or 0409 132 834
Email: v.sagulenko@uq.edu.au
Location: St Lucia campus
Providing assistance in multi-parameter experimental design, instrument operation and quality control, and full in-house training in all areas of flow cytometry. In addition, the Flow Cytometry Core offers high-speed cell sorting into tubes (up to 6 populations at once) and plates.
The following equipment is available to all users as part of the 'Core Facilities at TRI':
- Beckman Coulter Gallios (3 laser 9 colour) analysers
- Becton Dickinson Fortessa X-20 (5 laser 18 colour) analysers
- Becton Dickinson Accuri C6 (2 laser 4 colour) analyser
- Beckman Coulter Cytoflex S (4 laser 13 colour) analysers
- Merck-Millipore Imagestreamx Mark II Imaging cytometer
- Mindray BC-5000 veterinary haematology analyser
- BD FACSymphony A5 ultra-high parameter analyser
- Beckman Coulter MoFlo Astrios EQ (7 laser 24 colour) Sorter
- BD FACSAria Fusion (5 laser 18 colour) Sorters
- Miltenyi Biotex Automacs Pro Cell Separator
- Suite of Analysis computers and software.
The majority of equipment is TRI owned.
Website: Translational Research Institute (TRI)
Email: flowcore@tri.edu.au
Location: Princess Alexandra Hospital campus