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A man checks information on a tablet. Solar panels extend across a grassy field in the background.

Energy transition network

Researchers from across UQ’s faculties and institutes are coming together to explore the energy challenges facing today’s world.

Our capabilities and impact

UQ researchers are investigating the technical dynamics of changing energy systems and the human-centred dimensions of people, communities and economies to address the enormous challenge of supplying our future energy needs. Our research explores dimensions of the energy transition and associated challenges.

A row of electric vehicles are parked along the street with charging cables plugged in

Transition pathways

Understanding scale and complexity, investment and sectoral coupling, and planning and development across regions.
A man holding a laptop standing in a field of crops. A large irrigation sprinkler operates in the background.

People and communities

This research area includes promoting communication, engagement and participation as well as skills, training and employment.
Three people seated on a bench, having a discussion.

Policy and markets

Developing policy and regulations, market governance arrangements, business models and value chains, and managing environmental impacts.
Two people walking on a mine site wearing high-vis and hard hats. Heavy machinery operates in the background.


Understanding production and use of critical minerals and materials underpinning new energy technologies.
Close up of a small computer chip-like nanomaterial created in a UQ laboratory


We're working on energy sources and technologies for generation and storage, including renewables, hydrogen, bio and waste energy, natural gas, CCUS and clean fuels.
UQ expert monitors graphs on a computer while colleagues investigate equipment in a neighbouring room

Systems and supply

Optimising electrification and integration of renewables, microgrid and energy storage systems, transport, mobility and digitalisation.

Partner with us

We're bringing UQ's multidisciplinary research capabilities and industry partners together to solve today's energy challenges.

Become a partner
An observer looks on as a UQ expert explains a complex series of interconnected wires


Professor Adrian Panow
Director, Energy Transition Network