Export control laws regulate the export from Australia to a place outside Australia of defence and strategic goods and technology including the transmission of certain controlled information.

Exports can be more than physical overseas shipments of defence and strategic goods and technology. Exports (PDF, 166.5 KB) can be ‘tangible’ or ‘intangible’.

In the case of tangible exports, items in physical form can be exported by ship, aircraft, post or courier, or by carrying them in checked-in or hand-held luggage. A tangible export can include technology (PDF, 179.3 KB) stored on a physical medium such as a CD, DVD, USB or computer hard drive, or be in the form of blueprints, diagrams or notes.

A tangible export of defence and strategic goods and technology (PDF, 175.4 KB) requires an export permit prior to the export being undertaken.

An intangible export (or supply) occurs when a person in Australia supplies or provides a person located outside Australia with access to defence and strategic technology by electronic means by email, fax, telephone, video conferencing, or providing access to electronic files.

An intangible export of defence and strategic technology (PDF, 179.3 KB) requires an export permit prior to the exchange of information being undertaken.

Who should be concerned about export controls?

Every individual associated with the University who works with defence and strategic goods and technology (PDF, 175.4 KB) must adhere to the University’s export control policy.

While your research or teaching work may not be specifically related to weapons or defence, it may involve defence and strategic goods and technology (PDF, 175.4 KB)Export  (PDF, 166.5 KB)of these items from Australia to a place outside Australia, either tangibly or intangibly, will require a permit.

Failure to obtain a permit may incur significant penalties. 

All UQ export control permit applications are made via exportcontrols@uq.edu.au

UQ acknowledges the generous advice and provision of material by Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for use in the development of the UQ export controls processes