
All ethics submissions, including new applications, amendments, exemptions, ratifications, adverse event and annual reports are now made through UQ’s MyResearch system.

Information on using the system is available in the MyResearch Training Hub.   

According to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, research conducted with or about people, or their data or tissue is considered Human research and requires obtaining ethical clearance prior to commencing research. Human participation includes the involvement of human beings in the following activities:

  • surveys, interviews or focus groups;
  • psychological, physiological or medical testing or treatments;
  • observation by researchers;
  • having their personal documents or other materials accessed;
  • collection and use of their body organs, tissues or fluids (e.g. skin, blood, urine, saliva, hair, bones, tumor and other biopsy specimens) or their exhaled breath, and;
  • their information (in individually identifiable, re-identifiable or non-identifiable form) as part of an existing published or unpublished source or database being accessed.

UQ’s requirements and processes related to obtaining ethics approval for human research are detailed in Human Research Ethics Procedure

For researchers submitting applications for the first time, or for those who are not familiar with all areas of the National Statement, Research Ethics and Integrity have synthesized research questions according to the elements and principles of the National Statement. The aim of the interactive graphic Principles and Elements of Human Research Ethics is to prompt researchers in contemplating any ethical considerations when designing their human research project.